About us
The Piedmont Aerospace Cluster is a no-prot association established in 2019 to ensure continuity of the previous Committee. Since 2005, the Cluster involved all relevant stakeholders with the aim to enhance the competitiveness of Piedmont’s aerospace industry, guaranteeing coordination and long-term vision for public and private investment in technological innovation. The Cluster was one of the founders of the National Aerospace Technology Cluster (CTNA), which federates Italy’s leading aerospace hubs and brings together all the key players in the national aerospace system.

Public Authorities
Regione Piemonte, Città Metropolitana di Torino, Comune di Torino, Finpiemonte, Camera di Commercio di Torino, Finpiemonte Partecipazioni.

Universities and Research Centers
Politecnico di Torino, Università degli Studi di Torino, ITS Mobilità Sostenibile Aerospazio/Meccatronica, Fondazione Links, INAF-Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica di Torino, Università del Piemonte Orientale; INRiM-Istituto Nazionale Ricerca Metrologia

key players
Leonardo, GE AVIO, Thales Alenia Space Italia, Mecaer e Microtecnica – Gruppo UTC Collins;

API, Unione Industriale

Local Business
active in aeronautics and space sector

Board of directors
- President
Fulvia Quagliotti
- Vice Presidents
Giacomo Martinotti
Marco Silvano
- Director
Claudio Macario Ban
- Senior Advisor
Giancarlo Anselmino
Michele Guadagno
- Advisors
Marco Protti – Leonardo
Roberto Provera – Thales Alenia Space
Marco D’Ascenzi – Collins
Andrea Vimercati – Mecaer
Massimo Sorli – Politecnico di Torino
Gabriele Ricchiardi – Università di Torino
Guido Bolatto – Camera di Commercio di Torino
Marina Buoncristiani – Finpiemonte SpA
Bruna Cibrario – Città Metropolitana di Torino e Comune di Torino
Davide Calonico – Inrim
Andrea Romiti – Apr
Stefano Serra – Teseo
Fabio Nichele – Tyvak International
Riccardo Girelli – Labormet Due
The objectives and activities of the Association mainly target four development lines
Supply chain
- to unlock the potential and create more value across the supply chain by strengthening collaboration across different actors
- to promote the dimensional growth of regional actors and the creation of new added value businesses
- to support new market entrants
- to foster internationalization of the sector, with networking and clustering activities, and participation in national and international air shows.
- to promote support for research programs, especially towards SMEs
- to stimulate the competitive growth of SMEs through the sharing of technological scenarios, the aggregation and development of shared projects
- to foster collaborative activities between industry and research, to promote technology transfer from research to SMEs, to support industrialisation of research results
- to support the identification of training needs
- to participate in designing and developing new high-quality curricula, especially for vocational education and training
- to support diversity and inclusion in the aerospace sector
Finance and promotion
- to promote participation in national and European projects
- to facilitate access to publicly subsidized loans and financing programs
- to enlarge the cluster with new members
- to provide the cluster with a united, visible and identifiable collective identity
Know how


Propulsion system

On board avionics

Airframe structures & components